Why did we start a Shred on Easter Monday?

We thought a lot about this. Why not delay just a day to avoid the temptations of Easter ham?

Truth is, there can always be a reason not to start on the road to improved health. The trick and the major learning of Shred10 is to be mindful and make good choices.

My second takeaway from Shred10 is to implement a simple change every shred. There are 4 core principles of Shred10:

  1. Eat whole food including Juice Plus+ capsules and complete.
  2. Drink more water
  3. Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night.
  4. Exercise your body nearly every day.

Shred Guidelines

There are some other minor points but think if you implemented just one of the major points every month along with 1 or 2 of the minor points. At the end of 4 months, you’d be a different person.

Common Shred10 Results

So we wish you to have a happy, healthy, Joyous Easter. By all means, enjoy your family and friends. Be mindful of what you eat if you choose to. If you don’t,  do better Tuesday.


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